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by Taylor’s Way | Dec 10, 2018 | Blog

In the last years, sustainability has become more than a buzz word, but a value and principle people are embracing in their building and maintenance projects. But given the issues related to climate change and preservation of resources we cannot ignore, sustainability has become a concept fully applied to lawn care, gardening and landscaping. We see more and more projects involving lawn size reductions, the use of intelligent and tech-centric irrigation systems, organic cultivation of edible gardens, and so on. But no landscape is complete without trees to keep the soil in place, to offer shade and become true focal points on your property. Today, our tree service Utica, IL specialists are here to discuss the major trends in sustainable landscaping revolving around tree plantation and tree maintenance.

1. The Plantation of Native Trees

One of the biggest trends in sustainable landscaping this year is choosing native plants and trees for your landscape that are not only beautiful, but also very practical. By planting resilient native shade-producing trees on the west, east, and northwestern sides of your home you might lower your summer cooling costs by 35% as the trees provide a natural barrier between sunrays and your house.

Picking native grasses, vegetation and trees for your landscape is not actually a new idea, but since sustainable landscaping is now a growing trend, tree service Utica, IL experts say we will witness an increased concern in cultivating fast-growing, shade-producing and low-maintenance trees that offer both beauty and comfort. Some of the most popular trees in this year’s trends are:

These trees, while different in size and looks all have in common a few traits: they are resilient to your local climacteric conditions, they are used for shade and privacy screening, they fare well in polluted areas and while each of them needs particular soil amendments, they make high value additions to your property. What is also important is that all of them put a spectacular visual show from spring to winter as they feature different changing flowers, leaves and bark colors throughout the year.

2. Introducing Rain Water Features

The look and sound of water are undoubtedly relaxing and comforting. In fact, one of the biggest landscaping trends this year is the introduction of water features such as freestanding fountains, rock waterfalls or ponds. One key-aspect however is of interest to all homeowners interested in sustainability and preservation of resources: storm water management solutions and rain water harvesting.

When it is possible, rain water can be incorporated into the general landscape design as a rain water feature. Such well-designed ponds and waterfalls also have a sustainability-centric purpose: they become auxiliary sources of water to irrigate the trees and the vegetation. Combining both looks and functionality, rain water features can ensure the health and thriving of your trees, turf and flowers.

3. Switching to Organic Fertilization

This is not a new trend either, but one that becomes more and more popular, especially if you cultivate fruit trees. Making mulch and compost in your back yard is now a routine, not a whim anymore, say our tree service Utica, IL specialists. For those embracing sustainability in the form of growing veggie gardens and fruit trees, making your own compost for fertilization and mulch for protection and nourishment are the ways to go to ensure the full health and thriving of your fruit trees or berry shrubs.

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