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Frequently Asked Questions

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Taylor's Way: Frequently Asked Questions

Taylor's Way Tree Trimming

Frequently Asked Questions

Our applications are pet and kid friendly, however, us not knowing what allergy a pet or child could have, we do advise that pets and kids stay off the lawn after a liquid treatment has been applied, such as your weed control, until the product has dried. Once that product is dry to the touch they are welcome to go on the lawn. Our granular applications are pet and kid friendly and they can go out on the lawn as soon as we are done applying (applies to fert & pre-em apps, repellex, SI)

Once the weed control (or other liquid applications) has dried you can mow or go out on the lawn. Every lawn is different and the time varies for each lawn so we advise touching the grass first and if it dry to the touch you can proceed. If the lawn is still wet, you may want to wash your hands and wait a little longer before mowing or going on the lawn.

We try to remain as efficient as possible so that we can keep our costs down for our customers, therefore we do not call ahead before each application. (Exceptions: dog, daycare, locked gate that client needs to unlock for us)

Our applicators will leave a small flag in the lawn upon completing an application so you will know that we have been there. We will also either leave your invoice in the door for you or email it the following day (depending on how you receive invoices) which will also confirm we’ve been there.

We do not offer organic products as we have not found any that provide effective results. The fertilizer we use in our programs is actually better than organic products because its been designed to be absorbed only where the turf can use it which results in less leaching and volatilization compared to organic products. Organic products also typically have phosphorus in them which we do not have that in our fertilizer product. We are always researching and staying on top of new products that come out in the industry so we can offer the best and most eco friendly products, while still delivering great results.

We do offer seeding in the fall, as that is the best time to establish grass seed. I am happy to send a lawn expert to assess the seeding needs for your property so we can provide a quote. Are you experiencing bare areas or is the lawn thin overall? If there are any additional details or areas of concern I can note for him, we can make sure to address that when a lawn expert comes out.

We do not offer spring seeding, but we can have a lawn expert assess those bare spots and monitor them throughout the year. Sometimes the season long fertilizer can be enough to give the grass the push it needs to fill in those bare spots and we can make a better assessment if it will need seeding or not later in the season. I will add that note to your account and if our experts still think seeding is going to be necessary later this year, we can get you a quote for having seeding done in the fall, which is the best time to establish seed.

We do our lawn renovations in the late summer/early fall time frame, as that is the best time to establish a new lawn. In the spring there is a lot more competition with weeds and undesirable grasses that will take over before the grass seed has a chance to build a strong turf density, as well as the summer heat that the new tender grass would not be able to withstand. By doing it in the late summer/early fall time frame, weeds will be on their way out as we receive cooler temperatures, creating ideal conditions for the grass seed that is planted to fill in nice and thick and lush.

Fungal spores can always be on the lawn and the weather conditions activate those spores which causes the browning or patches you are seeing. It could be that your neighbor doesn’t have that particular fungal spore in their lawn, or their lawn is not a good host for that fungus. In having your lawn treated, it can also provide a good host for those fungal spores to thrive, making your lawn a more desirable option compared to the property next to you that might have more weeds than actual turf grasses that the fungi is looking for.

We strongly recommend leaving the fungicides as part of your program, and treating the fungal disease pro-actively. Fungal disease is brought on by weather conditions so we closely monitor that and time our fungicide treatments right before an outbreak can occur. This is going to provide your lawn with the best results. By eliminating your fungicide treatments, you might not know that the fungus is active and growing until you see physical evidence of the disease (brown spots) and the fungicide treatments at that point can not correct any damage that has already been done. We could still add treatments for the fungus should that occur, which would help stop the disease from progressing and would also help aide in the healing process, but will not fix or correct any damage already done.

We time our grub control treatments in the later spring/early summer (june/early july) which is going to help protect your lawn for the duration of the season. At this time, grubs are not typically feeding on the roots of the grass and may be present but should not be doing any damage to your turf. If you notice any brown spots occurring though please let us know and we can be sure to send someone out to address that for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

We would recommend you keep the pets away from the area until it is dry, just as a precaution since we don’t know what allergy a pet could have.

Typically, the application that was applied should still be active. We can address each situation specifically if needed.

We don’t actually offer a grub treatment as a solution to a Japanese Beetle issue. The reason is because once the beetles have emerged, they are going to fly around and start eating on susceptible plants. We would recommend an injection or spray application to the plant susceptible to Japanese Beetles and protect it so when the beetles arrive in come in contact with the tree or take a bite of the leaf, they will die as a result and damage will be minimal.

Yes, we do have spray options where we can come and spray your trees that are being attacked.  If you are an existing client and choose to have Japanese Beetle spraying added, we will go ahead and add this to your yearly service as we do track and time the treatments right before the beetles are due to arrive. This will protect your tree and minimize damage.

Typically we can get away with 1 application lasting through the beetles life cycle on years where there are average populations. However, on years where there are high populations of beetles, which we can’t predict, it may be necessary to have a 2nd spray done to help protect new growth that has emerged since the initial treatment. If you still notice the beetles eating on the tree and causing damage after approx. 30 days then let us know and we can schedule a second application (cost will be the same as first app).

The treatments we have administered are not going to repel the beetles. When they come in contact with your tree(s) and take a bite (or come in contact with spray) then they will be controlled as a result. You should also be seeing dead beetles on the ground around the tree.

Our treatments we’ve been administering are proving to be 99% effective. So if you continue to treat the Ash tree as long as the Ash Borers are a threat to our area, your tree should be protected. We would recommend the tree(s) continue to be treated as long as the Arborists finds them viable.

Dead in trees can be caused for other various reasons other than the Ash Borer so we will send an Arborist out to assess the tree and make sure its still viable to be treated. We can also provide a quote on removing the deadwood (if service is upcoming). We can pause the application for now and confirm the tree is viable with the Arborist and confirm scheduling the service once he has review it.

As long as the Ash Borer are a threat in our area, it is recommended to continue treating the tree. As pressures subside and they move out of our area, treatment plans may be able to be adjusted in the future, however we cannot predict when that will be and at this time the Ash Borer pressure is still high and a threat to our area.

Weather-related fungal diseases, such as Needlecast, Diplodia Tip Blight, Anthracnose, and Apple Scab, cause premature defoliation. Without treatments or improved weather conditions the disease will certainly advance. When the limbs no longer have any growth (dead) those limbs will not produce new growth. Early detection and treatment will offer the most effective result. A 2 year minimum consecutive treatments are always recommended, but length of treatment is difficult to forecast because this is a weather related disease.

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Family Owned For Over 50 Years

Beyond a lawn and tree care company, Taylor’s Way is a member of the communities we work in. Taylor’s Way purpose and vision are built upon on our core values.