by Taylor’s Way | Dec 10, 2018 | Blog
One of the easiest ways to fully revamp the looks of your property is to plant flowers and trees. You can make-over the landscape in plenty of ways if you consult with your local tree service Kewanee, IL company, as they can recommend you the best varieties for your property and can advise you on how and where to plant them for best results. If you also consult with a landscaping architect to find the best use of your new trees, you can achieve a spectacular lawn and landscape with little effort. Let’s look at three trees which will turn your property into a lush patch of Heaven in the years to come.
1. American Hornbeam
You can use the American Hornbeam for patios, massing or to bring shade on your property. This sturdy and resilient tree offers you green crisp foliage in summer and a spectacular orange and red one in fall. Its smooth gray bark and branches offer a great contrast and depth. This tree does well in dry, wet or windy sites, and prefers a rather acid or neutral pH soil. However, it can stand almost all types of soil and sun/shady areas. With the proper care provided by your tree service Kewanee, IL providers, it can reach 20 – 30 feet in height at maturity.
2. Eastern Redbud
This tree is indeed a spectacle of color, contrast, and texture. Use it for patios and shade and enjoy its bountiful bright magenta flowers in spring. The green foliage of summer is gorgeously replaced by a yellow one in fall, thus ensuring a symphony of color all year long. Even the bark looks great in winter, in the lack of foliage. The Eastern Redbud likes relatively wet soils (but moist and well-drained), thus, in summer, it might need a little more watering. It does well in alkaline soils and takes wind with no problems. The best part is that you can plant it in both sunny and shady areas. Your tree service Kewanee, IL experts can round it, trim and prune it to turn it into a picturesque element of your newly revamped property.
3. Loebner Magnolia
If you want to add both looks and scent to your property, then Loebner Magnolia is your way to go, say our tree service Peru, IL colleagues. This type of magnolia tree offers you fragrant white flowers in spring, turning your property into a small corner of paradise. During summer and fall, its green foliage will offer you the shade you need while in winter it will continue to be an important landscape design element: its silvery gray bark makes it a very interesting add-on to your property even in the cold season. The Loebner Magnolia likes moist, well-drained soils. It thrives in a slightly acidic soil and grows in both partially sunny and shady areas on your property. You can use it to patios and massing.